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Some people know me as a film-maker, or as a photographer, but before all that I was creating things with words – short stories, screenplays, games, history, blogs, biography and political commentary. I've joined Gumroad to give the best of this eclectic writing a new audience.

There's no advertising here, and no algorithm messing with you, just a diverse mix of remastered writing and brand new material. The plan is to push my words further and become more ambitious.

At this stage there's just a single level of support ('Legend'), so everyone gets the same for the same affordable price.

Because this site is mostly about writing, there won't be much video and photography here (I'm maintaining Vimeo and Flickr sites for that), but there will be multi-media connections when they take the words further.

Writing will include short fiction, chapters of long fiction, drama and game adaptations, history/biography, feature articles, and unclassifiable stuff, all illustrated. There's some prize-winning and published work, but the emphasis is on new material that very few people have seen.

If you like what you read, please share the links.

Feedback and collaboration suggestions are welcome, in comments or via FB. Dive in!

All memberships include a 1 week free trial

Legends (supporters) receive at least one original story a week, across a wide range of genres and styles, from the past and present. Followers can access a few sample stories. Check out 'posts' on the David Lowe button to access the Cloudwords archive...

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